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next week assignments

next Monday

you are to bring materials related to you as if you were gathering information to make a non traditional self portrait. Here are some ideas, but do not be bound to simply these:

- internet finds that you've collected
- family background (photo, historical data, images of birth place)
- things related to your major (fabrics you've printed, sketches)

or things from your:

- spirituality
- likes and dislikes
- political stances
- food preferences
- fashion
- relationships with people
- disabilities

We will look and talk about your research after a slide presentation on artists that deal with the idea of a persona and produce work from it. Room 110 aka Goldberg room at the Library, 8:30am SHARP!!!!

On tuesday, we will be painting in class, so bring your painting supplies as well as another canvas to paint on, preferably one that you stretch yourself.

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