_______________________________________blog . syllabus . projects . art . beats . risd

1st Project


For this project you will need a collection of 15 images which will be provided via your answers to the questionnaire below. Image Google your answers and pick the 1st and and 10th images questions 1 - 5. Then pick the 3rd image from questions 6 - 10.

1. Where are you from? This implies, where were you born and not where you grew up.

2. Where did you grow up? Meaning, where did you spend most of your infancy.

3. What kind of music did your parents listen to? If your parents didn't listen to music, the question then becomes, what music was around when you were growing up?

4. What is your personal icon for popular culture? Which cartoon, pop star, movie, politician, etc.

5. Who do you consider to be a hero?

6. What is one thing you consider to be a hindrance to society?

7. What is style to you, or what does it mean?

8. How do you define your spirituality?

9. What is one element that turns you on about hip hop?

10. If you could pick an era to have lived in, which would it be?

For example, my answer to question number 1 is São Paulo, so my pick would look like this:

Then I want you to sample these images from the internet and others from magazines, newspapers, books, pamphlets, etc and put them together in a collage. The format of the collage is up to you but it cannot be smaller than 10x15. Treat the collage in the manner of the song you chose. Notice what kind of samples were chosen, how many sample are there, how many times they repeat, what was done to the actual sample during the song, how long are they...

The project is to interpret the track/beat in the collage sampling the images you found.

Also remember to bring:
- stretchers (2 - 24' + 2 - 18')
- Canvas (cotton duck)
- acrylic paints (those mentioned in the syllabus *especially Black and white) + others of your choice
- canvas plyers
- staple gun + staples
- a stretched store bought canvas about 24x36 or 24x18
- the beat/track

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